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 The C-45 Quality Association is Hosting a Sampling Workshop in November!

Friday, November 26, 2021 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (EST)
Registration Link:



Under the Cannabis Regulations, Health Canada requires that a licence holder conduct various analytical tests on their finished cannabis products.  In order to do the required tests, the cannabis must first be sampled by the licence holder.  Sampling is required to be representative of the batch and meet other GPP requirements.



The C-45 Quality Association has heard from industry participants that they would like to:

  • Receive guidance on best practices for representative sampling

  • Understand how to reduce variability at the laboratory

  • Understand Health Canada’s expectations related to sampling


We are inviting current C-45 Quality Association members to join us for this event.  The agenda will include:

  • A short presentation on:

    • Requirements under the Cannabis Regulations by Deloitte

    • Factors influencing sampling by A&L Laboratories

    • Sampling implications at the lab by Labs-Mart

    • Summary of jurisdictional information that can be useful in developing sampling procedures by Deloitte and the C45 Regulatory Committee


  • A working session for all to participate in and discuss sampling at their facility and experiences with Health Canada.


Following the event, the event organizers will compile the information from the working session and share it with participants.


This will be a great chance for you to: 

  • Understand sampling, sampling procedures and considerations

  • Contribute to the collective C45 knowledge on sampling

  • Build your network and make connections


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Our members are setting the standards in Canadian Cannabis and leading the way for the future.


The Association strives to protect the public interest by engaging its members in the cannabis industry to arrive at sound practices that strengthen the industry and ensure safe and effective cannabis management throughout all of Canada, and globally, as the industry matures. The Association also endeavours to provide members with access to valuable knowledge, networks and resources that will assist members in improving and advancing their careers.

All rights reserved C-45 Quality Association Inc. 2023
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