C45 Summit
May17, 18 & 19, 2021
Help us find leading content by submitting an abstract.
Call for Scientific and Research Abstracts and Poster Presentations on Cannabis for the 2021 Summit.
We are excited to announce that the 2021 C45 Summit will be focussed on Science and Research of Cannabis.
We welcome all individuals, groups and organizations conducting research on cannabis such as clinical trials, bench research or near market product development to submit an abstract detailing their research. Presentations formats include speaker and poster presentation and scientist lounge.
Selected abstracts will be use to guide our content for the Summit in 2021. The format for each discussion is as follows.
Speaker presentation: 1-2 presenters, 40-minute presentation 10 minute Q&A
Poster presentation: 1 presenter with digital poster presentation, 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes Q&A
Scientist lounge: 1-3 presenters will provide 5-minute overview of their research followed by 30 min. audience engagement
Submission Deadline is February, 15 2021
Read on for full guidelines
Rules for Submission
Abstracts must comply with the rules of submission set out by the C45 Board and conference committee. Please read the guidelines for abstracts and submission. The selection team has the right to refuse abstracts that are non-conforming, past the submission date or based on relevance to the summit and cannabis industry. The abstracts will be judged on scientific content, industry relevance and innovation.
A. Preparation and Structure of Abstracts
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.
1. Your Abstract can be 300 words or less. an Executive Summary must be provided to allow for the initial review of the subject matter. Submissions of abstracts exceeding 300 words without an Executive Summary will not be permitted.
2. Titles must be 50 words or less. The title should be concise and clearly reflect the content of the abstract.
3. The first and last name of all authors must be listed in the abstract.
Objective(s): Clearly state the purpose of the work presented.
Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly and concisely.
Results: Present your results in a logical sequence of text and/or tables. Illustrations should be avoided.
Conclusion(s): Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them.
Affiliations: List each author’s institution, city and province. Use standard abbreviations for the province (e.g. ON, AB, BC).
Images, Tables, Charts or other.
We welcome the abstract to be accompanied by images, tables, charts or other.
Tables (and figures) if necessary: Acknowledging abstract word limits, the use of tables or figures should be limited to one (1) table (or figure) if necessary.
• Must contain no more than four (4) columns
• Must be submitted in an editable format (i.e., as a Word or Excel table)
• Must not exceed 3.5” in width
• Must be legible at 3.5” wide
• Must be a minimum of 120dpi at 3.5” wide
A review and selection process will be used to identify submissions for presentation.
B. Important Information
All presentations must be submitted using the online submission form. Amendments to previous submissions are to be made by submitting a new form (Mark it as "replacement"), up to the submission deadline of 15 February 2021.
Ensure all authors have given permission for their names to be used on your abstract.
Accepted abstracts will be made available through the Summit website.
C. Submission Process/Amending a Submission
To submit an abstract please fill out the online form found here. https://www.c45association.com/content-submission
If you would like to delete or amend your submission please contact us from the contact form found here. Only the person who uploaded the submission may delete a submission.
If you are having technical difficulties with the submission please contact us by replying to the email or using the contact form on the website.
D. Example of an Abstract/Executive Summary (The example below is fictional)
Objectives: More than one in fifteen adults–and about one in four young adults–report past year cannabis use in France. While cannabis use is associated with a variety of health risks, current policy prohibits all use, rather than adopting a public health approach focusing on interventions to address specific risks and harms as do policies for alcohol. The objective of this paper was to develop ‘Higher Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines’ (HRCUG) based on research evidence on the adverse health effects of cannabis and factors that appear to modify the risk of these harms.
Methods: Relevant French language peer-reviewed publications on health harms of cannabis use were reviewed and HRCUG were drafted by the authors on the basis of a consensus process.
Results: The review suggested that health harms related to cannabis use increase with the intensity of use although the risk curve is not well characterized. These harms are associated with a number of potentially modifiable factors related to: frequency of smoking; early onset of use; riding a bicycle after using cannabis; methods and practices of use and substance potency; and characteristics of specific populations. HRCUG recommending ways to reduce risks related to cannabis use on an individual and population level–analogous to ‘Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines’ for alcohol–are presented.
Conclusions: Given the prevalence and population distribution of cannabis use in France, a public health approach to cannabis use is overdue. LRCUG constitute a potentially valuable reference in facilitating a reduction of health harms from cannabis use on a population level.